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  1. C

    0.7g of protein per pound or less. Have you gained muscle?

    @ramy6et I too was worried last year getting under 100g protein at 216-185lbs but I certainly have gained muscle and even in a decent deficit. I do plan to up my protein when I get back to maintenance calories in hopes of more gains but nothing like what is usually pushed by the fitness scene.
  2. C

    Advice needed on maintaining muscle while cutting without high protein intake

    @mygaurdianangel15 Thanks!! Those look great honestly, a few years back I did stronglifts 5x5 program and built some good muscle but it was tough on my body!! This time I started with Athlean X beginner program for 3 months just to get moving again and then I found a reddit comment with this...
  3. C

    Advice needed on maintaining muscle while cutting without high protein intake

    @mygaurdianangel15 This cuts to my soul dude!! I've been in a deficit for a year now and even with less than 100g protein some days I've built muscle. 6'1 215lbs sw to currently 185 but goal is around 170 then reassess from there. I ran a PPLPPL for most of the year but am much happier now doing...