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  1. M

    How do I ditch the spare tire??

    @tomatheist You lose fat by being in a caloric deficit. Protein is needed to build and retain muscle. Eat the same amount of protein but reduce total calories.
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    What is your favorite MAG grip for lat pulldown?

    @blondie977 Three quarter, because I already hit close grip neutral on a horizontal pull.
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    My partner (22F) really wants a bbl and I’m opposed due to known dangers. Is building a full rear realistic through bodybuilding?

    @decibyte Without trying the gym first, signing up for life altering surgery feels a bad choice. Search for 'glute girls', and yes, pretty much anyone can look good in yoga pants by putting in the work.
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    None of my bulks (lean or dirty) ever seem to result in any muscle gain, and I honestly really don't know what I'm doing wrong at this point

    @daughteroftheonetrueking Your bulking diet looks fine; it seems like not a ton of protein, but you're 140lbs give or take, so this looks reasonable to me. I would add more % protein during the cut, to see if I could keep more gains. I would look at a periodized program for the lifts that...
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    How could I possibly eat less and exercise a sh*t ton more, and actually gain weight??

    @youngwolf Your weight can be +/- 5% due to retained water, and being at the low end of that is dehydration and bad. If you work out, you also gain muscle, ideally, which is good weight to add; start tracking bodyfat and not pounds to avoid that one. Other than that, it is possible that 1700...
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    Is this guy legit or is this just misinformation? Afraid I'm not training properly

    @erniedavid Someone with 300 followers on YouTube saying something different than everyone else has ever ever said, uh, seriously, just no.
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    Question about legday..

    @journeytolife77 How much rest are you taking between sets? Are you eating enough calories before your workout? Are you in generally good enough shape? (Could you slowly jog a mile?) Having squats and deadlifts in the same workout is also, well, exhausting; consider splitting those up...
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    Seeking Fitness Routine Advice for Longevity at 37

    @groov3ydud3 How heavy are you going on weights now, or "what would you define as heavy?" On my end, I got to fixed numbers I'm happy with on the major lifts (squat, deadlift, bench, row, overhead press, etc)... and I stop trying to add weight to the bar. I alternate between cardio and...