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  1. E

    What’s a go to longer zone 2 conditioning workout

    @chibisensei21 Wear a heat rate monitor, sit on a bike, erg, jump rope whatever, and turn on the tv. Keep your HR in the target zone. Profit.
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    Half-way point in Easy Strength... where to next?

    @aondia At 6’3” 200lbs I’d say you have plenty of room for improvement increasing the load. Whether that’s easy strength, 531, DFW, a Neupert program, deep water — there are tons and tons of programs and ways to do it. If you like the kettlebells I’d recommend getting two 32kgs adjustables so...
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    Roast my sport style technique please

    @wakemantk That’s great. I did my first foray into GS with the 24s — the 16s can be pretty light. The first six minutes are the easiest part of a ten minute set, so I think a somewhat methodical approach could be worth it, doing a ten minute set with the 16s this week, then 18s or 20s next week...
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    Roast my sport style technique please

    @wakemantk Good stuff. If you feel like you could do the 10’ with the 16s I say go for it — seeing where your technique breaks down when you’re tired or actually struggling will be much more informative than theoretical improvements when the weight or reps isn’t challenging. And I suspect on a...
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    10.000 Swings Experience/Review

    @kywy There are online gs competitions, I’ve done a few and I use this link to find them:
  6. E

    10.000 Swings Experience/Review

    @kywy Great work, impressive improvement! And great write up, all solid points. Agreed powerlifting is too boring, you should try strongman or kettlebell sport!