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  1. R

    F***ed Up My Shoulder

    @dawn16 So from my understanding, because it's a ligament injury I can't strengthen it like a muscle injury. It just has to heal very slowly, but can get injured again very easily. But to answer your question, I'm able to do pretty much all shoulder and chest exercises, but it's painful. And...
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    F***ed Up My Shoulder

    @dawn16 Doctor said shoulder presses are off the table permanently. I tried fly machines yesterday and it's bad man. Even worse with dumbbells.
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    F***ed Up My Shoulder

    @renudiz Damn dude sorry to hear that. I hope you can get over that relatively quickly.
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    F***ed Up My Shoulder

    @roman1982 That's true.
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    F***ed Up My Shoulder

    @roman1982 Damn. That sucks. I've been sticking to machines, since there's no loading weights involved, and mostly lower body/leg excercises. And cardio 🤢 It's not much, and I hate it, but it's honest work.
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    F***ed Up My Shoulder

    @olin07 Interesting. Never heard of either of those to be honest.
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    F***ed Up My Shoulder

    @johnthesonofhank Oh gotchya, okay. Good for you!
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    F***ed Up My Shoulder

    @johnthesonofhank Is it pretty expensive, or just covered by insurance?
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    F***ed Up My Shoulder

    @johnthesonofhank What type of injections?
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    F***ed Up My Shoulder

    @christie12 Will do! Can't give up riding though 😉
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    F***ed Up My Shoulder

    @christie12 Interestingly enough, my doctor said it was from the explosion you do when benching. For example a lot of people bounce the weight off their chest when going for flat bench pr's. I was doing that and that is what started my problems. I never let it fully heal, and then i hit a tree...
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    F***ed Up My Shoulder

    @dawn16 Thank you. I appreciate it. Keep on keeping on 💪🏼
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    F***ed Up My Shoulder

    @tikihead94 May I ask what the biggest difference between a PT is and just taking it slow in the gym? Not ragging on it I just ding know if I can afford that right now.
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    F***ed Up My Shoulder

    @deezy The mental part is the toughest part, I got to admit.
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    F***ed Up My Shoulder

    @harko I'll look into those thanks. And yea i've been running a lot! Better than nothing
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    F***ed Up My Shoulder

    @harko Yea doc said no shoulder presses, more than likely permanently. I tried dips before and that felt worse than ohp lol
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    F***ed Up My Shoulder

    @dawn16 I've let it try to heal for months. Still feels like shit tbh
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    F***ed Up My Shoulder

    @tdear25 Yea it blows knowing all the work you put in is gone :/
  19. R

    F***ed Up My Shoulder

    Anyone have any advice or experience on shoulder injuries? I'm a dude in my early 30's and chest day is by far my favorite, obviously. But I recently messed up my shoulder pretty bad and all progress is pretty much gone that I've made over the last two years. Makes me never want to workout...