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  1. D

    Feeling like I don't look like I workout

    @hendricks62 I'm a mildy similar build to you. 5'11", but 170-175. I have a similar diet(though I do really focus on that protein number. But I don't work out and lift as much as you. Have you tried increasing your protein intake a little more? Generally speaking, unless there's some part of...
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    Frustrated after 6 months lifting weights

    @cthelight7 So, as far as "newbie" gains go, you've actually got a pretty decent amount. You might be focused on the raw quantity, like only 10kg gain in your deadlift, but that's nearly 30%! Your squat improved by a huge 43%! As far as everything else, it's just important to be patient with...
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    Gym-ing for months but not improving weights?

    @klara6 Yeah, I think that was the point I was making. I just know that a lot of the times when a range is given, like we both did, it's common to interpret that as "Just look at the higher number, because more is better". But you're certainly right that a single protein meal per day isn't...
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    Gym-ing for months but not improving weights?

    @klara6 1.2-1.5g/kg/day is generally enough. Most published research seems to agree with 1.5g/kg/day being near the upper limit of what your body will absorb. And I don't know what protein shakes you're drinking but even my vegan shakes are 30g. Non-vegan shakes at basically whatever I want...
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    What was your “DAMN I’M GETTING STRONG” moment?

    @justin_holmes Two things. Mental side of knowing I can do things -> When I first rode 100 miles on my bike earlier this year. Because in Febuary, I didn't think I could. Physical side -> When I broke the 2hp ( ~1500w) mark during a sprint on my bike. For context, this is a higher peak power...
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    The case for more stretching

    @jesusislord4ever1968 I'd have to find the reference, but dynamic stretching provided more inconclusive results while static stretching was more well defined at being detrimental to performance.
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    Gym-ing for months but not improving weights?

    @rania So, something I would consider... do leg workouts too. All cyclists and runners will see benefits in threshold and endurance power from doing leg workouts in the gym.
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    Frustrated with barbell back squats

    @ortho So, I want to bring up genetics. And I am mentioning this exclusive of muscle strength, being sick, etc. The shape of your body and it's proportions has a HUGE impact on how squats feel, how much you can squat, and what your mechanics should look like. This article...
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    The case for more stretching

    @alfie13 I'm super glad you wrote this up! I have been watching videos from a cycling coach (Dylan Johnson) on youtube and he came to most of the same conclusions when he started researching it(much to his and my surprise). You definitely went a lot more in depth and provided more nuance though...