Search results

  1. N

    What’s your favorite physical activity?

    @g3ntl3w4rri0r My favorite activity would definitely be wrightlifting, followed by hiking or walking. My weekly routine: 3 weight sessions (1-1.5hrs) 15k minimum steps daily 2-3 jogs or bike rides (anywhere from 30-90 minutes) 30mins. Incline walking after each weight session 1 bodyweight...
  2. N

    Fitness Goals for 2024

    @hallartistry Hit 135lbs on bench press (5'3, F, currently @ 105) Run my first 5k race Run a 10k Incorporate new types of exercise (ex: rock climbing, mountain biking) Lean out more during current body recomp
  3. N

    What’s your workout schedule/routine?

    @rorypond 3 days lifting following PPL, 1-2 runs, 1-2 bike rides, and 1-2 bodyweight training (calisthenics style) along with 15k-25k steps daily from walking/hiking and a physical job.