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  1. S

    Ughhh…holiday gainnnn

    @ocean_soul I’m right there with you. We’ll get back on track soon! You got this.
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    Lower body gains update from an Apple-shaped girlie

    @jewlyen Slow and steady makes a lot of sense, I’m glad it’s worked for you! I’ve gotta give it another go.
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    Lower body gains update from an Apple-shaped girlie

    @jewlyen Cutting and bulking with actual discipline is the one thing I just cannot get myself to do. I know it would help and that I generally have good discipline, food is just a massive mental block and I also have dealt with ED. How did you approach this part of it successfully?
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    DEXA Results | 1Yr Update: Progression is not Linear (29F/5’0/24.5% > 19.8% > 20.7%)

    @shiloh153 100% this is where I was coming from and I can heavily relate. But people will always get defensive about this topic.
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    DEXA Results | 1Yr Update: Progression is not Linear (29F/5’0/24.5% > 19.8% > 20.7%)

    @lapinot Curious why you aspire to maintain at the lowest end of the healthy weight range possible.