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  1. C

    To my 5’3 girls, what’s your maintenance calories?

    @jeannemacl I’m a powerlifter so I mainly focus on squat, bench press, and deadlift. I use the Sheiko Gold app for programming: each session is squat or deadlift + bench + 2-3 accessory exercises in about 1.5-2 hours. I’ve been slowly bulking for the past 3 years from 114 lbs and powerlifting...
  2. C

    To my 5’3 girls, what’s your maintenance calories?

    @childofgod222 I’m pretty sedentary but lift 4 days a week and I’m at 2100 cal around 132 lb :)
  3. C

    Opinions on calories - going from weight loss to building muscle

    @lmg633 I would do a lean bulk. That will mean a long-term goal of weight gain (muscle gain while minimizing fat gain). I’d start with a small surplus — 100 to 200 calories more than you are currently eating, and also a bit more protein, closer to 90g. After a few weeks, reassess. Do you feel...
  4. C

    How does this routine look for just starting out?

    @keohay It’s not necessary, but there is beauty in a balanced physique. IMO you’d benefit a lot from just one leg day a week, you don’t have to go crazy with it. Just make sure you hit your quads/hamstrings/calves/posterior chain so you don’t develop muscle imbalances (or look like a dude who...