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    Sporty people: Where do you get all of your protein?

    @reneaz Protein shakes and powders, tofu, meat alternatives, high protein snacks, beans and lentils.
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    "Another Banned Athlete Competes at Non-licensed Competition"

    @acts2416 What part of my comment was douchebaggy? You just seem to harp on something that no one seems to care about. Anyway carry on.
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    "Another Banned Athlete Competes at Non-licensed Competition"

    @acts2416 Nobody cares man.
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    "Another Banned Athlete Competes at Non-licensed Competition"

    @grace4nan Banned Olympic athlete competes in non-Olympic event! I mean, they were dumb enough to get caught when the clearly the sport is rife with PEDs. So they’re competing elsewhere where it doesn’t matter. Good for them.
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    Why is 60 minutes classes the standard? 90 minutes classes would be much more efficient

    @bldssphq Not everyone’s objectives are the same as yours. I go to my CrossFit gym to stay in shape and the community — progressions etc. are secondary. And an hour is as much as I can do without feeling exhausted (with CrossFit anyway). Besides, an hour that I can go daily is far more...
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    💩 💩 a lot as a vegan. Normal?

    @bornoptimist Man some of you guys poop so much. I poop when I first wake up and then after I have her coffee. That’s about it. And I eat a ton of fiber! 😂
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    What separates the elite from the rest

    @melramos2010 And breathing technique. Oh my god. Until I started really pushing myself, I didn’t realize just how much that mattered! Elite athletes pay so much attention to little things like that and it adds up. Honestly though so much of CrossFit (like any sport) is mental. Are you...
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    Help me with tips of how to actually get out of bed and make it to CrossFit! 😣

    @theholycelt It’s a point of contention. 😅
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    Help me with tips of how to actually get out of bed and make it to CrossFit! 😣

    @mariakatrina 100% this. Motivation could change day to day. But if you are disciplined you simply get out the door no matter how you feel. I used to be a regular 6 am swimmer. No matter how I felt I’d wake up and get out the door long before my brain rationalized why I should / shouldn’t...
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    Why is 60 minutes classes the standard? 90 minutes classes would be much more efficient

    @onidam2 Exactly. I do morning classes and there’s just dropping kids off, work etc. in the morning. An hour and half would simply not work. And in the evenings you have dinner, putting kids to bed, and time with the family. So an hour and half there would also not work.
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    Body fat is too damn high - tips to get it down?

    @babablacksheep I’d change the macros and up the activity. Up your protein; continue eating the same. Lift more and move more. I’m ~5’7 and 146 lbs and I’m 40. My wife and I had a baby and I fell off the wagon. Got a bit of belly fat. For the past few months, I’ve been focused on eating the...
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    Anybody getting 3,300+ calories a day?

    @missionaryadvocate Used to be me when I was insanely active. Honestly I consumed a lot of carbs and it was glorious. These days I’m moderately active (CrossFit, climbing, running) and eat ~2200 a day. I miss being that active! But I’m only 5’6 so a little goes a long way. 😅
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    24.3 leaked. They upload the video and forgot to put it private

    @jck64 Perhaps banded as a scale option for the scale option. 😅
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    54 y.o. Vegan for 9 years

    @andersonjeni Hahaha! As someone who’s just turning 40, I can relate to at least some of it. Your body just starts having small problems with things that weren’t issues before. I guess that’s inevitable.
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    54 y.o. Vegan for 9 years

    @andersonjeni You look incredible! Very inspiring!