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  1. W

    Made absolutely no progress in the past year when I had pretty much everything dialed in, starting to lose motivation..

    @katiebug22 I have, and in fact when I first started lifting I was dirty perma bulking so I'm no stranger to that. It's just that the cut after the aggressive bulk is very painful and pretty much everyone recommends a lean bulk to not put on excess fat. I'm not sure if my lack of meaningful...
  2. W

    Took your guys' advice and built myself a custom program, feedback welcomed

    @randomjo97 Appreciate it. It's on the 4th row on the underdog day. I don't have ankle mobility issues so I think I'm good there.
  3. W

    Made absolutely no progress in the past year when I had pretty much everything dialed in, starting to lose motivation..

    @junior59 If you look at attached MacroFactor data, you can see the lean bulk in action.
  4. W

    Took your guys' advice and built myself a custom program, feedback welcomed

    @ainigma I actually ran this before (GVS ravage). I found that on torso days the systematic fatigue is a little too high for my liking. But tbh I had a lot of fatigued built-up when I ran it briefly so maybe I shouldn't dismiss it so quickly. If you ran this split before, what's your...
  5. W

    Took your guys' advice and built myself a custom program, feedback welcomed

    I made a post last week about my physique plateau and a lot of people suggested I build my own program, so I built myself a modified PPL program. It's my first time building a program so I wanted to get some feedback. Program Details arm is a focus and trained every other day (2 direct arm...
  6. W

    Made absolutely no progress in the past year when I had pretty much everything dialed in, starting to lose motivation..

    @dsal I agree, this year I transitioned to doing more of a bodybuilding style training so I'm kind of experimenting with different routines. I really do want to just find one that works and stick to it. But it seems like none of them is working well right now... I don't do drugs nor alcohol...
  7. W

    Made absolutely no progress in the past year when I had pretty much everything dialed in, starting to lose motivation..

    @jbreyes777 When I first started working out, I was doing perma dirty bulk pretty much. Did my first legit cut in 2021 down to 161ish then went on a bulk up to 176ish (lasted half a year). Most recent cut and bulk is shown in the "Diet & Nutrition" section. Cut for 2.5 months, maintained for a...
  8. W

    Made absolutely no progress in the past year when I had pretty much everything dialed in, starting to lose motivation..

    1 year comparison & my body progression over the years Please look at my bodyweight data too, I'm NOT doing maingaining As you can see, I've made virtually no progress from Aug 8, 2022 to Oct 1, 2023. I chose to compare these 2 points in time because of similar body weight. I'm generally very...