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  1. P

    YOU WHO CAN PLANCHE: What was you training plan?

    @noorluthfi Yes. I don't know him personally, and this isn't even a full planche, but here:
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    YOU WHO CAN PLANCHE: What was you training plan?

    @noorluthfi As your limbs increase in length, the torque your muscles have to exert on the lever created by your bones increases. On top of that, with height, normal bodyweight is heavier. These 2 factors combine with the fact that your muscles do not get bigger/stronger in perfect proportion...
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    YOU WHO CAN PLANCHE: What was you training plan?

    @dawn16 Another example: I can't hold a tuck front lever for more than 10 seconds, but I can hold a straddle front lever for 3 or 4.
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    YOU WHO CAN PLANCHE: What was you training plan?

    @dawn16 But It just doesn't seem logical to me to hold one progression for a full 30 secs before moving on. That's like saying 20 pullups = 1 muscle up. It doesnt work that way. I can do >5 straight leg muscle ups, and maybe 12 perfect form dead hang pullups.
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    YOU WHO CAN PLANCHE: What was you training plan?

    @dawn16 How does this sound for a plan: 3-5x3-8 seconds Planche progression hold 3-4x3-5 reps Planche progression pushups And this 3x per week? Is that enough volume?
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    YOU WHO CAN PLANCHE: What was you training plan?

    @dawn16 How often do you recommend I try that?
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    YOU WHO CAN PLANCHE: What was you training plan?

    @dawn16 Hahah but the thing is I can't hold adv. tuck at all.
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    YOU WHO CAN PLANCHE: What was you training plan?

    @dawn16 Hahah 7 seconds tuck planche is all I can do
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    YOU WHO CAN PLANCHE: What was you training plan?

    @dawn16 Yeah, I knew that 30 sec stuff was BS. I can do >5 straight-legged muscle ups, and only about 12 dead hang perfect wide pullups. I am 5'8" (173 cm) and 155 lbs (70 kg). So there's hope ;) What do you mean "3x per week, but among other exercises so 6x?" Also, how the hell do you...
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    YOU WHO CAN PLANCHE: What was you training plan?

    I'm done screwing around with my training. I've got goals, people. Exactness is very much preferred if you are kind enough to give your regimen. What kind of frequency and volume were you performing? What ratio between isometrics and dynamics? Set/rep ranges? Also, would you say that...