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  1. M

    For those of you who’ve recruited a professional, how’d it go?

    @mikethomasahn When I first joined the gym after covid, they had free trainers help you learn to use the equipment. It was a women’s only gym so I felt safe and comfortable being a complete newbie and not feeling judged. It was pretty empty when I went, so she’d head over and work with me when I...
  2. M

    Can’t slim arms (they get bulkier) 😫

    @cph Ex-swimmer and same. When I flex, I have great muscles! But otherwise just normally look big. People constantly comment on how small I am but then when I’m in a group photo, my arms are somehow double the size of theirs — and this is without the body dysmorphia lens. There’s a lot of muscle...
  3. M

    5’1” goal weight

    @laveena123 It just depends on your body. I’ve always been able to pack on muscle easily but it looks flabby when I have a “healthy” amount of fat, even as a kid when I swam competitively and worked out for 3+ hours a day with major muscles. My body looks better and defined at a lower (but...