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  1. K

    Has anyone actually had a success story with their calves?

    @jskywalker Think i'm on the same boat here. At this point, it looks like i'll have to maintain an overall lower mass as my upper body / upper legs tend to grow decently well with training and I care a bit more about proportions at this point..
  2. K

    Has anyone actually had a success story with their calves?

    @deesweetz Thanks for sharing! Will definitely try experimenting a bit more but what's also a bit unfortunate is that I often find my feet/ankles giving out before my calves do. I imagine that my flat feet / overpronation issues may have something to do with this as my heels have a tendency to...
  3. K

    Has anyone actually had a success story with their calves?

    Maybe i'm just not looking hard enough but I simply cannot find any convincing before/after photos of calf growth. I understand that genetics is a huge part of this (i.e. muscle insertions, growth, etc) and I also understand that it IS actually possible to increase the mass somewhat. However...