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  1. T

    DEXA Results: 29F, 5'5", 126.1 lbs, 18.4% BF

    @dominatio Thank you! I'm not sure how I feel exactly. It all gets really muddled and soupy in my brain, so I tend to need a little bit of external guidance to get me unstuck from whatever toxic mindset I find myself in.
  2. T

    DEXA Results: 29F, 5'5", 126.1 lbs, 18.4% BF

    @michaelreece "Viking war goddess" is amazing, thank you! Still working on being kind to myself. I appreciate the reminder.
  3. T

    DEXA Results: 29F, 5'5", 126.1 lbs, 18.4% BF

    @kenneth327 I have the Mirena IUD, so my periods have been mostly nonexistent for 6 years. But since getting this new one put in, I actually am bleeding about two days a month again. Just finished this month's cycle, actually.
  4. T

    DEXA Results: 29F, 5'5", 126.1 lbs, 18.4% BF

    @danieljmateus Thank you! I'm mostly happy with how I look right now and am presently eating at maintenance. I may cut again after these next 6 weeks, depending on how I feel, now that I know for sure I'm not at risk of being dangerously low in body fat. I really, really appreciate your input...
  5. T

    DEXA Results: 29F, 5'5", 126.1 lbs, 18.4% BF

    @sabrina_ I 100% understand pain points like these and honestly, I'm the exact same way with certain things. It's incredibly emotionally taxing to try to stay compassion-forward when you see the Same Toxic Shit everywhere and it always hurts. It's exhausting. I appreciate you engaging me and...
  6. T

    DEXA Results: 29F, 5'5", 126.1 lbs, 18.4% BF

    @sabrina_ I removed my downvote on your original post, because now that you've explained your position better, I agree with it. My relationship with my own body is toxic as hell, and I'm working on it with a therapist. Another person shared this chart with me, which I had never seen before, and...
  7. T

    DEXA Results: 29F, 5'5", 126.1 lbs, 18.4% BF

    @sabrina_ ... You do realize that your attitude is really aggressive and not at all helpful, right? I'm not sure how it's inappropriate to discuss body fat in fitness groups and on my fitness progress updates, but I don't think any of your aggression is actually about me, so I'm gonna let it...
  8. T

    DEXA Results: 29F, 5'5", 126.1 lbs, 18.4% BF

    @urban_legend You're totally right. Thank you!
  9. T

    DEXA Results: 29F, 5'5", 126.1 lbs, 18.4% BF

    @youngmrmarti Thank you! I wish there were a more standardized version of these visual charts, with more body types. I've seen a few floating around, but they differ so wildly from each other, I've never really known what to go with. Ultimately it's not super important, but I get fixated on...
  10. T

    DEXA Results: 29F, 5'5", 126.1 lbs, 18.4% BF

    @luigari I could kiss you right now. Holy shit, that chart is honestly what I needed to see. Thank you SO. MUCH. for that. It just shut down all the toxic shit that's been stewing in my brain for the past few days. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. I honestly could cry of relief.
  11. T

    DEXA Results: 29F, 5'5", 126.1 lbs, 18.4% BF

    @godislove19933 Thank you. I appreciate this and you. The number really shouldn't matter; it's just part of my obsessive personality. I'm still working on how to keep it in check.
  12. T

    DEXA Results: 29F, 5'5", 126.1 lbs, 18.4% BF

    @darcylbridge Thank you for this thoughtful response! All of this is very helpful.
  13. T

    DEXA Results: 29F, 5'5", 126.1 lbs, 18.4% BF

    @mlenadc That calculator puts me at 22%. And thank you! If this post has taught me anything, it’s that I need to stop being so invested in these numbers.
  14. T

    DEXA Results: 29F, 5'5", 126.1 lbs, 18.4% BF

    @mistavega Thanks so much!
  15. T

    DEXA Results: 29F, 5'5", 126.1 lbs, 18.4% BF

    EDIT: I should clarify, I thought DEXA would put me around 15%. I didn't think I was actually 12-13%, nor did I want to be, but 15 seemed reasonable, and I was way off on that mark. EDIT 2: A kind Redditor below shared this chart, which handily addresses a lot of my angst - I appreciate this...