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  1. F

    Is three weeks of the gym worth it?

    @ecco I understand what you are saying, but there's many of us who don't enjoy a lot of our workouts - but we enjoy the results! My own immediate reaction was that you should be able to workout without a gym, but even bodyweight "pulls" can be difficult without access to equipment (like a pull...
  2. F

    Do light workouts have benefit?

    @jasonharless Exactly this ^ I always think of it as follows. There's a big difference between "training" and "exercise"... Training is the act of attempting to improve at something or acquire new abilities. In the context of strength training or hypertrophy this requires progressive overload...
  3. F

    Should I buy 1 or 2 kettlebells?

    @evil_lee03 Not a stupid question at all. Most workouts you’d be recommended as a beginner would have you using one bell at a time, although some will perhaps require a couple of different sizes. It’s generally recommended to wait until you’ve got the hang of singles work before moving onto...