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  1. G

    Looking for advice F 5’2” 215lbs

    @shadowinthelight Personally, I like the Optimum Nutrition brand. I get the chocolate from Costco. It costs $64 but it’s for a 5lb bag. Lasts me 2-3 months, I do 2 scoops per shake and usually one shake a day. Sometimes two. Rotation is a normal movement to have trouble with after back...
  2. G

    Looking for advice F 5’2” 215lbs

    @shadowinthelight How do you feel on a normal day? Any discomfort with your back? Or any movement’s that hurt your back? Lean proteins are the main thing I recommend, chicken turkey etc. however, I also supplement with protein powders. Helps me get protein in without it costing an arm and a leg.
  3. G

    How much protein is enough to loose fat but gain muscle about? 5’3 129.4 LBS 21 F

    @aguasilver Thank you. I really believe the small steps to the ultimate goal keeps my clients from being overwhelmed. Plus I’ve been able balance my clients macros which allowed increase caloric intake to lose weight instead of lowering them super low like you see a lot of individuals in these...
  4. G

    Looking for advice F 5’2” 215lbs

    @trying_to_make_it As basic info I’d rather recommend this to them then have them, like most females in this group, jump on board with a 1200 calorie diet.
  5. G

    How much protein is enough to loose fat but gain muscle about? 5’3 129.4 LBS 21 F

    @aguasilver Of course!s So for my clients I change their program a little each month. So right now this client is doing 3x per week and each program is Full Body Oriented. The way I try to change it up and make it different, is Mondays start with a chest exercise, Wednesdays usually start with...
  6. G

    Looking for advice F 5’2” 215lbs

    @shadowinthelight This is what I do with all my clients: Track your food, everything you eat, for the next 5 days. Figure out your average cals, protein, carbs and fat. - Based off my experience with clients your carbs are probably going to be high and protein will be low. You need to increase...
  7. G

    How much protein is enough to loose fat but gain muscle about? 5’3 129.4 LBS 21 F

    @onlyheknows I have a client who is F5’4”, 220. She was eating 89g of protein regularly before working with me. She’s now eating between 140-160g, I leave it up to her. She’s lost 24lbs in 14wks and eating caloric intake of 1700 calories. Her exact macro recommendation is P150, C135, F70.
  8. G

    apple watch accuracy

    @zybinjohn I always understood it as the more workouts you do with your watch the more it learns you.