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  1. N

    Is it 0.8g of protein per lb of body weight or 0.8g per lb of lean body weight?

    @ej2018 Well you would have to know your body fat percentage or estimate it and for example if your bf percentage is 22% your lean weight would be 78%
  2. N

    Is it 0.8g of protein per lb of body weight or 0.8g per lb of lean body weight?

    @jyoooohs Good to know, it’s very helpful information.
  3. N

    Is it 0.8g of protein per lb of body weight or 0.8g per lb of lean body weight?

    Which is the right amount for building muscle? For me I weight about 195 lbs with estimated 20% body fat so should I be eating around 156g or 125g protein/day?