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  1. S

    Long term high protein diets bad for your Kidneys? Past 5 years of research.

    @kpatrick1111 Whats a lot of protein in layman's terms? Many of us are on diets so a lot of protein for a 160-200lbs bodybuilder is still way less than what a person with an overeating disorder eats (40% + of north americans). How can we tell how much is too much?
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    If you had to pick ONE cable chest fly variation below, which would you pick and why?

    @frustratedhusband I aim to press downwards like if i was holding a jack hammer but one arm at a time. I keep my elbow tucked in and press down, at a steep angle. I put my other hand on my pec to feel the contraction. Ive always been self conscious about my upper pecs; they feel soft and i want...
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    If you had to pick ONE cable chest fly variation below, which would you pick and why?

    @frustratedhusband Chest Cable high Pulley Single Arm Press! press downwards but at an angle. More a press vs a fly I guess. I do it after OHP and incline BP as a finisher at the end of a workout with some bicep curls or W-bar curls superset...
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    If you had to pick ONE cable chest fly variation below, which would you pick and why?

    @leoengel As in, its too heavy so i have to tilt forward big time or it drags me backwards. Its a pulley not a flyes pad machine.
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    If you had to pick ONE cable chest fly variation below, which would you pick and why?

    @blondie977 I love me one arm incline standing pulley flyes. Works everything! Abs are sore pecs are sore shoulders are healthy and I'm happy.
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    If you had to pick ONE cable chest fly variation below, which would you pick and why?

    @papabigpaws I do slip a lot doing them standing lol. Adds to the excitement!