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  1. G

    What’s your favorite physical activity?

    @g3ntl3w4rri0r Hmm maybe trail running (flat-ish trails lol) I enjoy the scenery and hopping around rocks and things makes it feel a little like playing
  2. G

    When are glute band exercises no longer useful?

    @ledgekay I went to a PT last year and they recommended I not use weights til I could do a certain exercise without losing my balance. He basically told mr I'm stronger on one side and wanted me to even out because this was what caused my knee pain. So I guess it depends. I slacked off but my...
  3. G

    Vent …. I feel hopeless

    @stevensloan I don't have an answer for you. But in highschool I was obese and my friend weighed half what I did. We were both self conscious. It sucks.
  4. G

    Are clothes getting bigger or is it just me? 5'2,160lbs, size 8, and fitting smalls???

    @captjohnsheridan Explains everyone's obsession with Marilyn Monroe being curvy. She wad a size 14!!! Um...yeah...back then
  5. G

    Weight lifting makes me irritable (but running doesn’t)

    @hopeeternal I'm impatient with doing strength training. Prob why I never actually look fit...