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  1. S

    11-12 months in exercising barely any results…

    @kitsoni I recommend looking up TDEE calculator online, you just input your height, weight, gender, and age and it’ll tell you how many calories you burn in a day just by being alive. That is your “maintenance calories,” meaning how many calories your body burns when performing basic human...
  2. S

    11-12 months in exercising barely any results…

    @kitsoni Are you tracking calories closely, using a food scale, etc.? Have you calculated your TDEE?Sometimes calories can hide if they’re not carefully measured.
  3. S

    11-12 months in exercising barely any results…

    @kitsoni Unfortunately you can’t out-exercise a poor diet. What you’re putting into your body matters just as much (if not more) than what you’re doing at the gym. I would download a food tracking app (I personally use Lose It! but MyFitnessPal is good too. Focus on hitting your protein goal and...