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  1. 7

    What are y’all’s go to programs to compliment BJJ?

    @ngie Thank y’all for the advice, much appreciated. 🤙🏼
  2. 7

    What are y’all’s go to programs to compliment BJJ?

    @ngie On average 3 times a week as I get back from an injury but ideally 4-5 times. Thanks for the info on your preferred reps and total volume, always good to hear what generally works for people long term.
  3. 7

    What are y’all’s go to programs to compliment BJJ?

    @kennyseg That’s a great list, thanks for the info!
  4. 7

    1 x or 2 x adjustable kettlebells?

    @yeshuasown I had a mix is single cast iron bells and slowly sold them off when I got 2x 32kg adjustable bells. Never looked back.
  5. 7

    What are y’all’s go to programs to compliment BJJ?

    @learnandbloom ABC does seem solid, I appreciate the simplicity of it too.
  6. 7

    What are y’all’s go to programs to compliment BJJ?

    @zylan Makes sense. Currently in between programs after a move and have been focusing on just carries and bodyweight movements and actually feel surprisingly good.
  7. 7

    What are y’all’s go to programs to compliment BJJ?

    I am aware of some of the basic kettlebell programs (DFW, RoP, S&S) but want to see if there’s some programs y’all like for BJJ that aren’t on my radar.