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    Suggesting please

    @hic_sunt_leones Are you currently trying to conceive? If so, I would not recommend trying to lose weight right now.
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    Lifting Technique: How to mount and unmount a big old hunk of drywall and wood?

    @wayne2069 You’re welcome! I’m not sure exactly how that will work out, but possibly if you are to squat low enough on the step ladder to grab the handles near shoulder height, then you could do most of the lifting with your legs. Alternatively you might need to do an upright row sort of motion...
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    How much walking is too much walking?

    @solomonanderson You're welcome!
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    Lifting Technique: How to mount and unmount a big old hunk of drywall and wood?

    @wayne2069 Okay, got it. In my opinion it’s not really safe to lift something so large overhead like that (not because of the weight, but because of the dimensions). Can you get a step ladder? That way you would only have to lift the handles up to shoulder height (I think, if I’m understanding...
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    How much walking is too much walking?

    @solomonanderson Here is an article that you might find useful:
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    Critique my workout routine (made by me)

    @stevethewaldner If you want optimal progress, I would recommend following one of the programs from the page that I linked. But if you’re enjoying your current program, and you are applying progressive overload (which you didn’t mention in your post at all), then I think it’s fine to stick with...
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    Lifting Technique: How to mount and unmount a big old hunk of drywall and wood?

    @wayne2069 Can you clarify how high you have to lift this? You say 22”, but you also talk about being fully extended and lifting overhead so I’m confused. How high is the French cleat mounted off of the ground?
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    How much walking is too much walking?

    @solomonanderson I would be cautious about doing that much walking while trying to recovery from an eating disorder. Have you spoken to your doctor / care team about this?
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    F23, 5’5, 69kg / 150lbs, 38% body fat. training for 1 year. seeking advice on what to do next

    @kateetak What lifting program have you been following? Possibly the program you’ve been following is not effective. Have you been applying progressive overload?
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    Critique my workout routine (made by me)

    @stevethewaldner Is there a particular reason why you're trying to create your own routine, rather than follow an established training program? You can find a lot of good programs here: Also, I would suggest reading this:
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    Eating well but still losing weight?

    @de501 What is your age, sex, height, weight, and activity level? And how much exercise are you doing exactly (what types, how often, and how long is each session)?
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    Frustrated with barbell back squats

    @ortho Check out the programs listed in the wiki. I would recommend choosing one of those, rather than trying to create your own program. Personally I'm a big fan of 5/3/1!
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    Getting super fatigued after personal training?

    @countrygurl32 Are you sure that you're eating enough calories? And carbs?
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    newbie protein question

    @malou Here is a link to the full text for the first one that I was able to find for you: And the second one should already be publicly accessible!
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    Frustrated with barbell back squats

    @ortho I would suggest switching to a program with a nonlinear progression scheme.
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    newbie protein question

    @malou Here you go:
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    I am a 5’3” 28 M weighing in at just under 7 stones/98pounds). How do I bulk up? Goal is approx: 100 pounds

    @peter_p Cronometer and MyFitnessPal are two popular options for counting calories. They are both pretty easy to use, you just search for your food item and then select the amount that you ate, and it calculates everything for you. For pre-portioned packaged foods it is very easy to track the...
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    Frustrated with barbell back squats

    @ortho What's the scheme for progressive overload?