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    Programming that is creative/has variety and keeps you interested?

    @emiles97 Conjugate?
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    Dr. Mike on male/female training differences

    @thestvn lol totally get you. I never saw myself in those "we can rep out higher intensity" kind of statements. Then I got more into training cardio and suddenly gained this supposedly feminine superpower!
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    Dr. Mike on male/female training differences

    @patsy_cline_fan Huge thing you need to know for context: almost everything he points out is true of the general population of men/women who show up to a gym, not of inherent differences between male and female bodies. For example, women can often do more reps at a higher % of 1RM. A big...
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    Newbie question: why does 'to failure' feel different for different muscles?

    @kimx If you never go to true failure, there's no way to know if you're actually close to it. You could have 2 reps in the tank or 20. How would you tell? In any case, there's not really a connection between failure and injury, so this isn't necessary.
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    Is 500/month a general cost for a fitness and health coach?

    @babychristian10 This is way more than most trainers will charge. If you think he's worth it, that's your call. But you can get the same services elsewhere for a lot less.
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    What’s a little trick that made a huge difference in your form?

    @goldladyslipper Nah, it's individual. There are men who do best with a wide stance and women (like myself) who need to be super narrow. Everybody should experiment to figure out what works best for them.
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    IPF World Classic Open Powerlifting Championships in Malta: Preview and discussion post

    @nathan2018 I love when you do these posts!
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    Risk v reward

    @ttcmacro I'm in my 40s and at my gym we have a group of masters (ie 40+) olympic weightlifters. Some have been lifting since they were younger, some started as masters. We all squat. Makes us stronger. We all do pulls/deadlifts too. Would be silly to skip them. There are other ways to...
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    When will I stop getting DOMS from leg day?

    @protorayish No, it's not the same kind of work. I would do something like, swap the split squats for one of your hamstring exercises so that you have squats one leg day and split squats another.
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    What does your warm up look like?

    @newbeginning1996 My warmup is there to prepare me for the workout. So, it depends! Yes, it definitely changes depending on what lifts I'll do that day. For, say, deadlifts, I don't do anything specific. If I'll be squatting, I might do a little bit of stuff to warm up my hips. If I'll be doing...
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    Muscle knots and tightness

    @thornbreaker If you like follow-along yoga videos, there are a bunch of good channels on YouTube. Here are some of the ones I see recommended (I've done a few of Adriene's but otherwise can't personally vouch for these) Yoga with Adriene Yoga with Kassandra Sean Vigue Breathe and Flow
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    When will I stop getting DOMS from leg day?

    @protorayish Things that make DOMS more likely: working that muscle 1x/week or less (so...a once-a-week quad day) high reps new/different exercises not enough protein not enough total calories If some of this looks familiar, consider tweaking those factors. Probably the first thing I'd change...
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    I was promised endorphins

    @romans5to8 What kind of exercise were you doing back when you felt energized? How does that compare to your routine now? What were you doing outside the gym during that time? How does that compare to what you do now? Like, were you a runner and now you only lift? Were you walking all around...
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    in need of help! want to become QUADZILLA

    @brokenjohninchrist You can pile on the accessories later! Start with just the basics and add extras over time. You also don't have to do all of your favorite accessories at once. Choose your accessories for this month, or even this 2-week period, and then swap them out for others. For...
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    lifting programs that DEMAND you eat like it's your job?

    @skilletboy Check out the sticky at the top of r/gainit - they're doing a program party that consists of three different programs that are high volume and notoriously good at making you want to eat. They are: 5/3/1 BBB Beefcake 5/3/1 Building the Monolith Deep Water Beginner Deep Water...
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    in need of help! want to become QUADZILLA

    @brokenjohninchrist If you aren't able to go heavy on your barbell squats yet, I wouldn't count them as a main lift. Do them first in the workout, call them technique practice (but still go as heavy as your form allows), and then do leg press or whatever as your T1 squat.
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    Going to a regular weightlifting gym ?

    @nikkimarie That's amazing. Use the opportunity!
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    how does this make sense? is there something wrong with the app im using?

    @teofan They are percentages of total calories. Fat has more calories per gram. So you ate about 107 calories' worth of fat, about 105 calories of carbs, and about 72 calories of protein, for 284 calories total. 107/284 is 37%. Fat has 9 calories per gram, while protein and carbs have 4...
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    I strength trained 1x per week and 7x per week for 5 months each

    @pawel It is, and you don't seem to have a good understanding of it.