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    2 in 1 belt

    @mac64 Buy a good lifting belt and just use a cheap backpack until you can afford the dip belt.
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    Can single and double press be progressed together, or better to focus on one at a time?

    @jackier293 Thank you! Will do :)
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    What was YOUR pathway to pressing double 32s?

    @kennyseg Haha, so are you saying bodyweight exercises got you there? Or you abandoned the path? :D
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    Can single and double press be progressed together, or better to focus on one at a time?

    @jackier293 Thank you! Great suggestions. I'll try ROP with a 28, then a 32 if I can (otherwise a round of soju and tuba with the 32 first), then maybe Zsolt to get from 32 to 40 if I can.
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    Can single and double press be progressed together, or better to focus on one at a time?

    @jackier293 Thank you. I might do another run of ROP before putting single arm on maintenance and moving back to a doubles program a bell size up.
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    What was YOUR pathway to pressing double 32s?

    @monstershouter I've found it wayyyyyy harder. The fact both both arms are going in unison enforces absolute strict form. It's a different pressing groove. You can't manipulate your body around the bell in the same way. Another poster on this thread said they can do 9 reps with a single 32 but...
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    Can single and double press be progressed together, or better to focus on one at a time?

    I'm hoping to get some help with my programming. I can currently military press a single 28 x 5 strict reps, and strict military press 2 x 24s for 6 strict reps (I can do 9 strict clean and press with the 2 x 24s I guess because my shoulders get a micro rest during the clean portion?) My goal...
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    An Ode to the Bro Split

    @dawn16 Do you mind giving a brief example of how you ran your bro splits? (Rough # of exercises, sets, etc)
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    What was YOUR pathway to pressing double 32s?

    @ant0099 Thank you that sounds like a good method. Push presses with the heavy weight strict with a lighter one. You're strong AF!
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    What was YOUR pathway to pressing double 32s?

    @nyeung Dang great job. So rop with 28 more than doubled your rep count with a single 32c and unlocked the double 32. Nice job!!!
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    Quick Q on S&S

    @nac27 Yes he calls it the strong arm and the stronger arm. I know that. I just assumed TS meant stronger arm in this context. But my point stands. For max effort testing he recommends using the stronger arm first for a neurological primer before testing the strong arm.
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    Renaissance Periodization - How To ACTUALLY Build Muscle As Fast As Possible

    @cheung He does specify how many times... 2-4, even more if they're recovering.
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    What was YOUR pathway to pressing double 32s?

    From beginning to end, what was your pathway to pressing the double 32s? (Or any other heavy pair). What program/s did you follow? How strong were you when you started? How long did it take? Pressing the 32s is my current life mission - hence my survey of this amazing sub. I'm currently on...
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    Quick Q on S&S

    @jekyll Thank you for the resources and knowledge drop. I'm going to read through. I definitely don't have an opinion on this stuff one way or another, just trying to convey what S&S says. For my own training I tend to stick to more conventional sets and rep ranges, sets of 5x5 presses, high...
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    Quick Q on S&S

    @charliehcf I'm not saying I necessarily agree with everything Pavel says - I'm not qualified to determine that as I don't have a science degree. But here's what he says to the best of my recollection: He says strong arm first because he believes there's some neurological priming that goes on...
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    A recap of my transition from running and cycling to kettlebell training

    @equinelover Thank you! Please keep your updates coming because they are honestly inspiring and give a lot of people an idea of what to strive for :)
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    A recap of my transition from running and cycling to kettlebell training

    @equinelover Thank you so much for the write up! I was waiting for this. Your progress is amazing and very inspiring. Our pathways are eerily similar, and because I'm about a year behind you, I hope they'll prove identical! I too was a runner for years and then cyclist for two. I was using...
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    PPL: two ways of spreading out volume, pros/cons?

    @dkml Thank you that's aa good point, really helpful!!
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    PPL: two ways of spreading out volume, pros/cons?

    Hi all, I'm currently running a 6 day Push Pull Legs routine. I have one workout for each day, so I do the exact same push exercises twice in the week week, and same for pull and legs. Each workout is 6 exercises, all done for 3 x 8 - 12. I'm wondering what would happen if I split up my...