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  1. H

    Please help me with another try to eat 100% plant based!

    @celticpiping oh i tried them all! i love them, some are better than the real stuff. i just cant pay 4€ for 35g of protein every day. salmon (which is already luxury food in my opinion and an important omega3 source) is almost half as expensive and by switching to vegan i need my salmon money...
  2. H

    Please help me with another try to eat 100% plant based!

    @bible4ang Cool thx for the tip!
  3. H

    Please help me with another try to eat 100% plant based!

    @bible4ang Hmm could try some sobah noodles with frozen veggies + tofu dices, thanks for the idea! What sauce would you recommend? Already did that (had oats as breakfast for 3 years), but it was always somwhat heavy on the stomache.
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    Please help me with another try to eat 100% plant based!

    @markdavidverghese The fastes to warm meals i make was eggs or oatmeal. Both still took me 15min+ Whenever i start cutting veggies i stand 30min in the kitchen. Reward and effort is a bit of the scale for me, if i could just have fresh whole grain bread, some paste/hummus, cucumber and topping...
  5. H

    Please help me with another try to eat 100% plant based!

    @dawn16 Hmm is like my basic oatmeal, but i only heat it up and let it soak meanwhile for like 15min. Always feels a bit heavy on the stomache. I will try it your way and "prepare" it in the evening and let it soak over night, maybe thats better?
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    Please help me with another try to eat 100% plant based!

    @bible4ang Definitly will try!
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    Please help me with another try to eat 100% plant based!

    @ronandcarol You're totally right! Maybe in my stupidity i ate to much xd I could cook 1 pot and eat it whenever i want over the week. Definitly needs a retry!
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    Please help me with another try to eat 100% plant based!

    @jerrythemaverick Love them, sadly cant eat more than 300g without exploding. would need to eat 1kg for 20g proteins. Ah i already drink that to my carrots (to absorb the vitamins) =) great idea, i really should try that again! bannan, blueberry, oatmilk, proteinpowder + ??? hmmm maybe...
  9. H

    Please help me with another try to eat 100% plant based!

    @felicitypenny Nah thats like 5 days a week. I drink a beer and eat at a restaurant what i what i want to when i want to. Thing is the fitter i get the less other stuff i even want, it not like i need to force myself to eat this way...besides the carrots sometimes xd
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    Please help me with another try to eat 100% plant based!

    @waiwai25 Nah some i really like, just to lazy, dont miss them and i already hit mikro and makros. Its hard to eats pasta and rice in normal amounts. They dont satiet me, thay make me hungrier.> 2 hours later im hungry again = definitly a bloodsugar response, than i eat to much and the result...
  11. H

    Please help me with another try to eat 100% plant based!

    @chefdoodle Ahhh its a protein powder, was confused at first, yeah thanks for the tip!
  12. H

    Please help me with another try to eat 100% plant based!

    @jebadoa This is interesting, will need to search the local supermarkets again, maybe in some alternative bio shop or somewhere. This or soba it shall be, one noodle to rule them all!
  13. H

    Please help me with another try to eat 100% plant based!

    Hey there, i'm in dire need for low effort protein meals About me: currently doing rolling fasts so its a good opportunity to introduce new eating habits =) difficult history with food, anorexia, bulimia, binging (i need to avoid high glycemic foods) i don't do regular cooking, 10-15min max...