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    Mod Announcement

    @acer621 Thanks for being willing to listen to feedback and try new things! I also like that you're viewing this as an experiment (as I hope all us users do, too!) and that after assessing how it goes, you'll tweak as necessary!
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    What's your "I know I should(n't) be doing this"?

    @pimpdaddy I have solved this problem by being a very bad cook
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    Mark Rippetoe thinks putting women in concentration camps is an "interesting take"

    @dawn16 He wrote some asinine blog posts about it. "If you're injured, you should do barbell squats, because you need to work your body as a system. Focusing on one area at a time creates/reinforces imbalances and is bad." And it's like... my guy.... what do you think you do in physical therapy...
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    Mark Rippetoe thinks putting women in concentration camps is an "interesting take"

    @meow69 He also hates physical therapy
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    Form Check - Squat and Deadlift

    I'm working with a mobility coach to get my ankles to loosen up a little (or even just... at all), but I'd love to hear other notes. Squat side: Squat front...
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    Specialty Running Stores - Worth it?

    @bidadarikeseleo Highly recommend going to a specialty running store. It's some of the best money I've ever spent, honestly.
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    [ANNOUNCEMENT] F-YEA Buddy Matching Results WOOOOO!

    @mdigi THIS. IS. THE. BEST.
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    Lifting is a women's bestfriend for getting toned. (-5lbs, 19.5% bodyfat)

    @christianwithhope This is great, I was literally just thinking last night about switching to this kind of fasting regimen, and now I'm definitely going to do it! Whenever I've had to fast for a medical procedure, I always feel much better for days after. I think regular fasting could really...
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    6-week mini cut results

    @johnacola This rules, thanks for posting
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    getting fit seems pointless to me as i don’t enjoy exercise or less food/healthful food. isn’t life about finding joy? help change my mind

    @promiseokon There's no law that says you have to work out. People on the internet love to rail and complain against fat people as though it's some moral imperative - but it's not. You're a human being with agency and there's no requirement to diet and exercise, despite the fact that many people...
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    Bikini competition update

    @ilovegod888 I notice you're doing a leg day right after plyometrics. Did you find that challenging? Or did your body sort of get used to it after a few times? I want to incorporate more plyo/full body circuits but I've been getting such bad DOMS lately for some reason that I've been struggling...