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  1. P

    [xpost from r/fit]: Redditors over 30, who go to the gym/workout before your 9 to 5 job, is it worth it?

    @backhoebob Great dedication. I also lift 6x a week w/a lot of "heavy" compounds: DL variations 2x per week Squat variations 2x 2x upper push 2x upper pull Various accessories 6x The heavier lifts are what scare me as far as injury since I always hit those first.
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    [xpost from r/fit]: Redditors over 30, who go to the gym/workout before your 9 to 5 job, is it worth it?

    @kevinkraft I failed to mention that I am typically up and working @ 4:30a but I have a very flexible schedule so I could be lifting at that time instead. I feel you on the bench press as well. I have switched to dumbbells for the past several weeks and really notice how much easier it is on...
  3. P

    [xpost from r/fit]: Redditors over 30, who go to the gym/workout before your 9 to 5 job, is it worth it?

    @tarand :) Yeah, I am seriously considering this as well...
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    [xpost from r/fit]: Redditors over 30, who go to the gym/workout before your 9 to 5 job, is it worth it?

    I personally have only attempted this a few times in the past 5 years (currently 36 yo) and never hit the weights in the morning regularly after college. The few times in the past 5 years where I have lifted weights w/in 2 hours of being awake, I had poor work outs and one time really...
  5. P

    Questions about Recovery

    @fedya I am mid 30's, lifting for ~15 years w/the past 10 being tracked progression w/maybe a couple of years (at most) down time all together due to injuries, schedule etc. I wish I could add 5 lbs. to any of the big lifts a month and stay lean! See my opinion/suggestions below: (a)...