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    CrossFit Games Fantasy Challenge Results

    @jonjones229 Thanks for running this! It's amazing how much my results here match my usual Open percentile score.
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    2023 NoBull CrossFit Games IE5 - Ski-Bag Discussion Thread

    @bnorrism I think it's OK to over program a bit the first couple of days. The last couple of events is when it starts to look bad. Those are where you have the most potential new eyes watching. the athletes at that point should be given something you know they can crush, but will still look hard.
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    2023 NoBull CrossFit Games IE 1 - Ride Discussion Thread

    @bronwynn At least this time Justin was near him.
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    2018 Open - Complete Normalized Rankings

    @spinny So a negative delta is a "good" result according this sheet correct? EDIT: Reading comprehension improved
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    2022 NoBull CrossFit Games - IE9: Hat Trick Discussion Thread

    @jonjones229 That time doesn't seem right for Fikowski, at least to the eye test. I didn't see him being 20 seconds off Gui. It looked like his chip didn't register in the first heat.
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    2022 NoBull CrossFit Games IE6: Up and Over Discussion Thread

    @jonjones229 I wouldn't call Adam's performance in the Capitol a "collapse". It seemed pretty obvious that she had a plan given how fast she pushed the farmers carries.
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    Rogue Invitational - final day

    @kennybest And she yelled when she crossed the finish! Someone find some pearls for me to clutch.
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    Metcons and weight management

    @norm You're probably thinking of the 'afterburn' effect, which is real.... but is worth about a large banana of calories. It's best to think of exercise calories as bonus calories lost. They really aren't worth tracking.
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    Rogue Invitational - final day

    @hebrewcalendar12 Asterisk successfully deleted.