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  1. S

    What's something you wish you started doing sooner/knew earlier in your fitness journey?

    @shouldn%E2%80%99tbethishard Yay! Bringing your belly button to your spine is... I’m not sure what, a yoga or Pilates thing. It’s not bracing for a lift, at any rate. Yes, bracing does push out, it’s not quite just taking a deep breath but it’s kind of liked that. You’ll see kind of a pushed out...
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    What's something you wish you started doing sooner/knew earlier in your fitness journey?

    @shouldn%E2%80%99tbethishard No worries! You might want to ask this in the daily simple questions thread for more info, but I think the easiest way to get a feel for what you want a brace to feel like is: cough, but stop in the middle. Feel how your abdomen is tight all the way around? That’s...
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    What's something you wish you started doing sooner/knew earlier in your fitness journey?

    @colwyn 1) How much protein I would likely need to be putting on muscle. 2) That progressive overload and actual lifting programming is a thing. 3) How to brace for a lift. And if, anytime in the ten years before I started lifting, someone had handed me a list of women who powerlift at any...
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    Will I always be absolutely destroyed after a workout until I’m out of the obese category?

    @thornbearer I am here to tell you: it will only get better. Seriously, seriously. Post workout soreness, or DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) is common after doing movements that are new to your body. Being a beginner is impacting you there, for sure. Being obese probably is not, I don’t...
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    Mod Post: The Ideal Gym

    @acer621 I would definitely dig a women's only barbell gym, but I also would love something kind of like the karate dojo I trained at when I was younger. It was originally women only, and then added kids classes, so when the boys started growing up they decided they could stay for adults classes...
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    What was your “DAMN I’M GETTING STRONG” moment?

    @anon103 This was it for me too. First the bar started to feel light on squat warmups, but when it started to feel negligible for bench warmups, that was heady stuff.
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    Gym-ing for months but not improving weights?

    @rania I’m glad! I couldn’t progress on really anything until I started following a basic barbell program because I just did not know how to make it happen. I see your other comment about avoiding the free weight area. I completely hear you, and probably 90% of women here have been there too…...
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    Gym-ing for months but not improving weights?

    @rania The mod post here is the main thing you need to pay attention to. There’s no reason to spend your time on a routine you’ve invented, there are good ones out there! If you want to know why your weights on these aren’t going up, my best guess boils down to: these are movements that...
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    Workout Equipment You Love vs. Never Use

    @hebahesh My home gym is pretty bare bones so most things get good use, but I have an A-Jack ( that I thought I would use all the time... but because I can and do now deadlift in my rack, I just load the bar on the lowest setting and then unrack it out...
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    lifting programs that DEMAND you eat like it's your job?

    @skilletboy Stronger by Science (formerly Average to Savage), the hypertrophy variation, might be a good fit. It’s a lottt of volume, not linear progression, and very specific. I also don’t like the wiggle room factor you mentioned, the only options on this are whether to hit a semi-heavy single...
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    Chest exercises with big boobs

    @truth_seekers A lot has been said in the comments about bar path but it basically comes down to below the bust. Another key point is that feeling a muscle group doesn’t mean it is the only one working during an exercise, nor does soreness afterwards, so don’t overthink that.