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    Podcast Summary: Why Dr. Mike Israetel Changed His Mind on Fat Loss Strategies, Fasting & Blood Sugar

    @sharkbait13 Everything in those links is backed by scientific studies that are linked on the pages. You said that insulin resistance starts by ingesting sugars which spikes your blood glucose but that’s not true. Insulin resistance only happens in the presence of fat in and around your cells...
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    Podcast Summary: Why Dr. Mike Israetel Changed His Mind on Fat Loss Strategies, Fasting & Blood Sugar

    @sharkbait13 This is misinformed thinking. Studies have repeatedly shown eating up to 20 servings a day of fruit has no negative impact on insulin sensitivity.. Studies have also shown that adding berries to other high-glycemic foods such as cereal or oatmeal actually LOWERS the glycemic...
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    Anybody getting 3,300+ calories a day?

    @missionaryadvocate I eat around 3000 kcal daily as a raw vegan and try to limit my fats to 10% of kcal. That means the vast majority of my calories come from fruit with lots of fresh veggies and minimal nuts/seeds. I end up getting 130-150g of fiber most days. It took me 3 weeks or so to start...
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    How to approach a gym crush

    @mick777 Not responding is the right move there I think. I once gave a girl my number like that and she texted me later saying she was flattered but taken.. literally all my guy and girl friends told me that meant she was probably interested
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    Is there any disadvantage in getting protein just from whole foods?

    @jesuspleasesaveme That’s like saying Coca Cola has carbohydrates, therefore it’s not empty calories or that oil has fat, therefore it’s not empty calories. Your body needs protein, carbs, and fat but any of them alone in the absence of micronutrients is what most people would define as empty...
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    Is there any disadvantage in getting protein just from whole foods?

    @all4hisglory Getting your calories from whole foods will ALWAYS beat getting them from processed foods. I’ll probably get downvoted for this but protein powder is just empty calories. Whole plant foods are typically loaded with nutrients like fiber, vitamins, and phytochemicals, whereas protein...