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  1. D

    Remember: You don't NEED Protein Powder (x-post /r/fitness)

    @folashade Oh yay, glad I'm not the only one spamming this link everywhere :) I think we've gotten pretty good in this sub at least at recommending 0.8 g/lb, with 0.6 g/lb being "okay" but probably not quite optimal (as opposed to zomg you're so protein deficient). I mostly just see the 1 g/lb...
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    DEXA results: 27 F/5'3"/142 lbs/27.4% body fat

    @122r Thank you for posting this! I love seeing the variety of sizes and shapes that the healthy human body can assume, and I think the mindset you have about your body and training could use more airtime around these parts.
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    [12-Week Challenge] Week 8 Update

    Week 8 (5/23 - 5/30) Updates You know the drill! Tell us about your week. Good or bad, you just have to fill out the form :) Week 8 Update Form If you've missed a prior week, you can find the form links below, as well as on the Entry Lookup page of the spreadsheet. Week 7, Week 6, Week 5...
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    DEXA w/ photos and videos [5'4.5"/115lbs/25.8%]

    @ruky Really interesting to me the differences in how the fat is distributed between you and /@amydoodles. It's like all of your fat mass is in your hips and thighs, whereas hers was more evenly distributed all over. Neat! People are cool. Thanks for posting.
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    [12-Week Challenge] Week 6 and Quarter 2 Updates

    Week 6 (5/9 - 5/16) and Quarter 2 (4/25 - 5/16) Updates Here we are, half-way through the 12-week challenge! About 25% of the initial entrees are still with us. Whose going to tough it out the remaining 6 weeks? Once again, we have a more detailed quarterly update for this week. This is the...
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    Female lifter squats 496lbs at 182lbs body weight

    @dawn16 That'll happen when you're squatting almost 3 times your body weight.