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  1. B

    Morning workouts - prep, routine and everything else

    @charlieparker Those ones on the Internet are insane This is me Alarm goes off at 5:20 Without even getting out of bed properly I put on my gym bits which I put on the end of my bed the night before Stumble downstairs Kettle on Pee Come back to kitchen, throw on coat and ruck Pour hot...
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    What are your non scale goals for July/august?

    @uticus Bench 60kg - 5kg over BW Squat 70kg (its my weakest due to historical quad injuries) 15kg over body weight Deadlift 110kg- 2 x body weight And get my nutrition right so I feel good, im still not there with it but I feel like I'm getting closer
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    Petite girls is it true our calorie deficits are smaller?

    @armour_101 I hear ya! I'm so scared of gaining weight again after I've worked so hard (40lb loss, now at 108). For me having the occasional lower calorie day to look the the weeks allowance rather than the day has helped. And looking at my natural fluctuations - can be 5lbs really helped my...
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    Struggling with eating … too many sweets

    @messagesoflove I am a sugar demon - sugar for me = happy feelings. What I do, (and I dont know if it is healthy or not!) Is have a pint of low cal chocolate ice cream on an evening instead of proper ice cream. And it works in my calorie budget. I may also have a hot chocolate if I want to...
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    New Year’s Resolution & 2024 Fitness Goals Megathread

    @nathan2018 2023 goals Run half - had to pull out as my life completely imploded Tough mudder - done! 80kg deadlift - smashed 70kg squat - smashed 50kg bench - smashed 2024 100kg deadlift 90kg squat 60kg bench 50kg snatch 60kg clean and jerk Enter a weightlifting competition Run...