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  1. A

    10 weeks of Q&D

    @john06 Thanks, I mixed it up between the swings and snatch workouts throughout the 10 weeks.
  2. A

    10 weeks of Q&D

    @juancarlos The first two weeks I did swings/push ups only then mixed it up between the two as that was my understanding of what to do, willing to be corrected? Stopping the squats and deadlifts was a combo of laziness (I would have to drive a whole 10 mins to the gym etc etc) and curious to...
  3. A

    10 weeks of Q&D

    Goal: Find a program/training regimen to run alongside Highland Games (HG) practice/competition. Background: Me - male,43. Have been competing in Highland Games (HG) over the last 18 months as well as conventional strength program + HIIT class 2/3 times a week. Initially made good progress in...