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  1. G

    Murph preperation

    @snowzee I wouldn’t be trying to go with a really high number for Murph. Once you gas out on pushups it’s over and you’re down to doubles and singles. I would focus on 5 reps as your working sets with 5-15 seconds in between sets. Shake it out after every one.
  2. G

    Murph preperation

    @snowzee It doesn’t have to be complicated. Start a program of daily pushups, building up each week. Something like 5x5 (15 sec break between sets) for a week, 5x7 for a week, 7x5, 7x7, etc. (Work to cut down on the rest period as well) If more volume is easier for you then just start with a...
  3. G

    Anyone else struggling with a skill that seems impossible to learn?

    @ogbaki It’s all about recognizing where your CoG is. If you aren’t putting your weight over your plant foot you’ll have a really hard time. I’d recommend using a stiff/heavy band to work through the placement of the centre of gravity.
  4. G

    Am I too heavy?

    @kutloello A cut to 12% BF shouldn’t take away much, if any muscle. That’s the whole body fat part of the equation. Dialing in your eating habits and you’ll drop the fat and should maintain almost all your muscle. When I did an 8 week nutrition program I started at 12% but wanted to maintain...