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  1. B

    What’s the best way to lose a lot of weight

    @dojoloach There's no magic solution. Just need to eat in a sustainable calorie defecit. Preferably with high protein. There's different ways to structure your eating to stay in a defecit, but whatever you do you just need to be consistent with it. Without knowing anything about your...
  2. B

    any insights on at home workouts?

    @cchabvuta Most of what you're doing is cardio. Cardio doesn't build muscle. Google for calisthenics programs, they can give you structured routines.
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    “Don’t look at the scale, because muscle weighs more than fat.”

    @samuelperla The BMI of nearly all bodybuilders will show them as being overweight, even obese. It's an almost useless tool. Don't pay attention to it.
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    How do I get to 15k-20k steps a day with a full time job ?

    @happilyretired Dude you can only get as many steps as you have time for. 20k steps takes hours worth of walking. So you either spend hours doing it, or you reduce your goal. It's not rocket science. However at 1720 calories you're already eating in a good calorie deficit, so why are you...