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  1. M

    I’m over 30, and actually think I’m made of glass

    @goodbookguy Drop the stretches if you do static stretching. For warming up do light Hammer Curls and Triceps Push-downs for 3x20. Alexander Leonidas recommends this in a video on how to fix elbow pain. This definitely helped with my elbows. You could also do light Zottman Curls. These caused...
  2. M

    How to integrate running to strength training? What's your experience with running?

    @mjsmom73 Have a look at Tactical Barbell. It is exactly about that. I use it to combine strength training or hypertrophy training with cardio and conditioning. For cardio I prefer rucking and cycling. It has worked very well so far.
  3. M

    Program idea

    @kaynic Your running will hamper your bodybuilding routine. But running is very important when you deploy with the military. Why don't you do a strength training program two to three days per week? Tactical Barbell has everything layed out for you.