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  1. F

    hello. trying to lose weight/ fat. struggling hard, so any help is appreciated

    @johnprin Best of luck! I wouldn’t be so worried about damaging your metabolism with such a modest calorie deficit; this study suggests that thermogenesis adaptation occurs during very low energy diets (subjects were eating 500 calories a day!)...
  2. F

    hello. trying to lose weight/ fat. struggling hard, so any help is appreciated

    @johnprin Hey no problem! I know weight loss can be super frustrating, especially as a petite person. I don’t know that there are any metabolic reasons for slowly cutting back calories like you mentioned: 100-200 cal per every 10-15 lbs lost”. What does this mean exactly? You only want to cut...
  3. F

    hello. trying to lose weight/ fat. struggling hard, so any help is appreciated

    @johnprin Weight loss is always about consuming less calories than you burn, or CICO. There’s a lot in your post to unpack, but I first wanted to say that: you never need to exercise to lose weight and that weight loss will always burn both fat and muscle, although there are things you can do to...