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  1. B

    What do I need to change? Stalled and feeling a bit fat

    @skillz I appreciate your thorough response! You do seem to be on the right track and I do commend you for refusing to reduce your calories. That can be really hard to do especially when we hear that's the holy grail. I'm more for substitutions. Like in your example you'll eat that apple instead...
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    What items do I need to get started at a gym?

    @leasaithe A mental trick is starting with the barest minimum then as you stay consistent allow yourself that little upgrade to cuter gym outfits, water bottle, etc. Too often we buy things for the person we want to be not the person we are currently.
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    What do I need to change? Stalled and feeling a bit fat

    @skillz First, accept how your body distributes fat is based on genetics. I'm someone with back fat and belly fat but slender arms and legs, for example. To lose fat in the areas I wanted, I had to lose fat all over. (I did, there are before and after pics in my username) I didn't count...
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    I'm doing everything right. Why am I not losing fat/weight?

    @mon4thelord I understand your frustration. At the start of my fitness/weight/fat loss journey I was about your age and had all the same feelings. Let's adopt the "yes AND" approach. Keep up the good work AND what else can you do? (In my case, it's great that I don't drink alcohol AND I can also...
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    5’1” goal weight

    @laveena123 I agree that we all carry our weight differently. If you like how you look no need to compare yourself to others. Hips and a C cup? Genetics blessed you! I'm 4'11" and thought I plateaued at 114 but when I stopped weighing myself, months later I'm now at 107 and my stomach is flat so...
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    Cardio vs weights.. what my dietitian recommended

    @kroglk51 If it's within your means and you have the access, I would suggest seeking a second opinion from another dietician if a second opinion is what you're after. It's kind of comparing apples to oranges asking here in my humble opinion. Cardio is great for the heart! And most of us can...
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    Haven’t worked out in 2 1/2 weeks ☹️

    @perviasrectas It's more of a mental game than one would think. Does anyone want to work out when they are sick? Nope! Will you continue to work out once you move on from this set back? Yes! I'm not a doctor but the more we take care of ourselves, the more our immune system strengthens and we'll...