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    I {18F, 5'7, 115 lbs} am starting to work out and count macros, how do I start?

    @drummachine Your bodyweight is relatively low already - I'm not suggesting it's unhealthy (and you may have lighter bones than I do), but we're the same height and there's a big difference in our weight! Which is to say, save the cutting for when you've put on a good amount of muscle mass and...
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    High protein breakfast that’s not tofu

    @feztus Pretty sure it's just a bot that gets triggered by mention of sunflowers or sunflower seeds.
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    Can we have another L/V/I-Sit/Manna challenge month like this one ?

    @khohanguc Looong delay in replying from me (apologies!), but that's some great compression strength too man. 10s on the floor is no joke, so congrats on the hard work you've put in already! It seems like an official challenge is a bit unlikely right now (and L/V-sit maybe isn't so fashionable...
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    Can we have another L/V/I-Sit/Manna challenge month like this one ?

    @khohanguc Oh, this would be awesome! Yes please!! I've been working on L-sit/V-sit for a while, but my form needs work and it'd be wonderful to get tips and pointers from some of the knowledgeable and advanced folk here. It'd be especially fun to know we're all training for the same thing as...