@adotiln The body you want aesthetically will come way more form muscle growth then weight loss, glad you are listening.
I think people focus too much on the number on the scale instead of the composition at that number. I’m 6’3 195 and have been at this weight a few times, this time I look my...
@mommajulesberry Egh the weight you can I’d isnt everything, your in good shape and lots of muscles if you have a six pack.
Also 2 plates for reps is actually good! Don’t let social media lie to you, that like 1% of population that can do it! Idk if I can 1 rep max it but I’m close, honestly...
@mommajulesberry Dude you must be a body builder becuase to be that weight at your height and have a 6 pack is crazy! I’m 6’3 and barely weight more than you, I’m cutting like 10lbs to get a six pack for the summer then we would weight the same
@bolevi Double calories is a way to get fat not just muscles, a 500kcal above maintenance is far more ideal, any more then that barely increases muscle growth mostly just fat
@geminikid Yea that’s a good fucking plan! Might change the lat raise for just a shoulder press but that is a good plan
Just after a bit make sure to increase reps or weight so you stay progressing but that is a solid plan