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  1. N

    Interested to know what splits you guys are running with atm

    @bogdanpnw At the end of the 3rd month of my diet, i mostly run banana splits in my head 24/7.
  2. N

    Long term high protein diets bad for your Kidneys? Past 5 years of research.

    @buna Omg omg, Faz himself! One of my favorite content creators. Thank you for everything! On topic: i do general bloodwork at least every 6 months. They call me on phone before sending the results that i urgently must go to a hospital as i am near liver failure. Every. Single. Time. And i...
  3. N

    7.1 lbs of muscle in 8 weeks possible natty? (stanford university experiment, link included)

    @kpmasonry It is possible, i even saw it when Goku trained to fight Freeza, he only ate rice, and gained a lot of muscle. Even during the fight he was able to buff up further while changing his hair style and color and keeping his 16-pack.
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    Your take/thoughts on Hard Sets (e.g: 0-2 RIR)

    @theodor98 Please note that most people are very bad at assessing real RIRs. So a subjective 0-1 RIR can be an objective 1-3. Also, different body parts react differently to 0 RIR. Get to know your body's tolerances. It can result in a huge recovery cost. Despite that training to failure is...