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  1. Q

    Took a Dexa Scan before resuming gym [M35 / 96 Kgs / 6'1 ft - 30% body fat, overweight]

    @jake99901 You don't even really need to work out to lose the weight. That just happens because of a caloric deficit. A deficit of about 500 calories a day below your TDEE will get you to shed 1 pound a week in fat. Get your body fat lower and everything else becomes easier. Trying to...
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    Took a Dexa Scan before resuming gym [M35 / 96 Kgs / 6'1 ft - 30% body fat, overweight]

    @jake99901 Shape will mean weight changes. Not many people are going to get leaner and stay the same shape/weight. You referenced brad pit in fight club and you are nowhere near that in weight/shape/body fat percentage. You need to get yourself to a much lower body fat percentage before...
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    36M 5’5/5’6 207-ish lbs need help getting started

    @annamoon720 The best thing I did was to learn weight control by diet alone. Getting your diet sorted out so you are not working against yourself is the best thing you can learn as you age. For me middle age was just not figuring out that I couldn't keep doing the things I did when I was...
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    What Metrics Do You Care About and Why?

    @halley68 I am in the same situation as you. My diet has become a far bigger component of my health. Took 2 years to really learn weight control through diet alone. And now the exercise is so much easier. I usually intermittent fast but just at maintenance calories for the last 2 years...
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    What Metrics Do You Care About and Why?

    @namaoza I’m the guy that for 20 years said BMI was as BS because it said I was overweight from the time I was 25. Right around then was when I stopped running regularly because it was too hard. Now not massively overweight but I was also young and healthy enough to still be able to be...
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    Took a Dexa Scan before resuming gym [M35 / 96 Kgs / 6'1 ft - 30% body fat, overweight]

    @jake99901 I went from 30% to 10% body fat over a couple years. It is all diet. I tried to hold a 500 calorie deficit a day for the 2 years I was losing weight. I just eyeballed it and made sure I saw the loss happening. I didn't even own a scale for the first year of my loss and still...
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    Embarking on a Fitness Journey: Seeking Wisdom on Caloric Goals, Meal Preps, and Effective Workouts. Help me Transform by July 2024!

    @flute28 It won't be the ineffective workouts that waste time it will be fucking up your diet that does. Like you said 90% is diet so you focus there. The diet controls weight and the exercise will then give you the body/composition you want. That much weight loss is possible in that time...
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    At 93, he’s as fit as a 40-year-old. His body offers lessons on aging

    @andrewm12 I know a 68 year old with 10 percent body fat who was a golden gloves boxer in the day. Not only could he out exercise most people he could beat the fuck out of you afterwards too.
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    Realizing I'm getting O-L-D

    @faithliness I stopped running in my late 20s and early 30s because of knee pain. I am 47 now and run all the time without any. Turns out that when you try and carry excess weight into older age that will hurt you. Once I leaned down and dropped the weight most of my lower body problems went...
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    Having very difficult time getting back to fitness after 2 month of break

    @martina777 Read Why We Sleep by Mathew Walker. Sleep length and quality are massive things. People who think they are sleeping 8 hours a night are really only getting far less because they are not sleeping correctly because of the apnea. This is something that is really subtle and can...
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    @bronzemarkian I never had to come off my diet during my loss or change to different things. I just tried to keep a consistent deficit over that period. What does happen is as you lose weight you need to adjust your calorie intake down because your TDEE drops. So what can happen in a mild...
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    Frustrating mental/physical block in weight loss

    @joshvegas The only way I got there in my 40s was focusing on the thing that will get you there and that is diet. The only way you can make it happen is to make changes you can do for the long term and I mean real long term. You have to ask yourself what you will do when you get to your goal...