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  1. S

    "A new era in CrossFit Games rankings has begun"

    @leonsoekjesus Brian Friend does his own rankings. It would be strange for someone to ask someone who does their own rankings to be involved in a rankings. I wouldn’t read into it beyond that
  2. S

    "A new era in CrossFit Games rankings has begun"

    @antcart So because you don’t know or care to find out who the people asked in the list are - makes it invalid? I think spin was working under the assumption that people reading would either know who some of the contributors are or would accept his inclusion of them. Of the list, as a randomly...
  3. S

    "A new era in CrossFit Games rankings has begun"

    @antcart So you want to just keep hearing from the same experts and never have anyone new enter the space? I’m flattered I was asked and I’m happy it’s a fresh list of people and not the same 5 or 6 people it always is. Sorry you’re butthurt that it’s not your usual line up