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    Jeff Nippard’s New Exercises

    @laura02375 Yeah but all you need to know is that stretched position is better for hypertrophy and you are all set. If you are past novice level you should know which exercises can achieve that.
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    Jeff Nippard’s New Exercises

    @laura02375 How is Wolf any different? He is just another "science based" guy and his gimmick are lengthen partials.
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    Replacing Barbell Row with Seated Cable Row

    @jayaraj My gym has the same machine, you can exchange the handle for pulldown bar for example to hit upper back more(wider grip = more upper back).
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    Long term high protein diets bad for your Kidneys? Past 5 years of research.

    @fola What's your reasoning for trying to eat such high amount of protein when we know eating more than 1.6g per kg has no benefits?
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    6.2ft or 6.3ft tall natural bodybuilers example

    @dawn16 Bradley Martyn is my favorite natty vegan crossfitter.
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    “Renaissance periodization has jumped the shark” - Alex Bromley. Any thoughts on this video?

    @lovely_krystal86 I'm kinda disappointed neither him or gvs talked about cardio being the limiting factor. If you check any of RPs training videos with athletes they often just give up mid set because they are out of breath while being nowhere near failure
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    Any advice on lean bulking for a 5’6” 121 pounder?

    @avalonforhim You can easily track 0.5 lbs per week, what are you talking about.
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    Big Bar vs Fit! Home Gym vs power tower (BEGINNER)

    @newdiscoveries first 2 are overpriced junk, 400e for a pullup bar with max capacity 300lbs... get the power tower, I personally would get variation which also has neutral close grip bars for more shoulder friendly chinups
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    Can bw leg day give me n is toned legs?

    @thestarside same as with every other muscle group, you need progressive overload. Doing same volume won't accomplish anything. At some point you will have to add external resistance tho', doing lower body with only your own bodyweight is very limited.
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    PPLers: Which day is the most difficult for you?

    @786man dude you deadlift 4 times a week... don't make your own program, there are plenty good free PPL templates out there
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    Been training for years and on the verge of giving up due to lack of progress, what should I do?

    @barefoothannahb 10$ that you are running shit like 531 BBB and you are half-assing your assistance work. Switch to high intensity BB program if your goal is hypertrophy.
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    When you train, how do you prevent your hands from cramping up?

    @themartinfamily Just use straps...