Search results

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    What motivated you to get into fitness?

    @pastorguice Starting to hike on much rougher terrain than I was used to began my long-term weight loss. In the past several years, it's been looking for post-retirement routines that got me started on regular gym-going. Seeing progress in building muscle in the last 18 months has been really fun.
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    Should I see significant improvements after 5 months of training?

    @swindon It sounds like you may have been working harder than I did, but it took 8-10 months for me to get visible results.
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    keeping strength training to 20 mins

    @matthias10000 Thanks! My wife was telling me about seeing one of those at the gym last week, and neither of us knew what it was.
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    Should I see significant improvements after 5 months of training?

    @manofsteelandvelvet For me, it's restaurant food that causes water retention-presumably from salt. I can see that my weight is a couple of pounds up for several days after a restaurant meal.
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    keeping strength training to 20 mins

    @matthias10000 Can you drop in what TDL is? Figure it's not Tunable Diode Laser😉.
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    More training = weight gain?

    @binbina I've been training steadily since August and put on 9 pounds by May 1st. My guess is that I didn't get the too-tight clothes signal I would have gotten sooner because I was adding muscle mass. I suspect this is something that is fairly common. Started working on diet to reverse that...
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    keeping strength training to 20 mins

    @matthias10000 Agree, getting to 240 wasn't hard. A lot harder since then.
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    keeping strength training to 20 mins

    @matthias10000 I've noticed that there's a real difference in 8-10 pounds in this weight range. I was down to about 217, but put on 15 pounds early in the pandemic. Have taken about half of that off since late May. See an error in my earlier post. In 2014, I started about where you were last year.
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    Gains possible over 50?

    @janeevans89 I was doing three sets of 15, mostly on machines, but recently lowered my upper body sets to 12 to increase weights. Since I do both upper and lower body exercises in a single session, I alternate between them. I don’t do the individual sets particularly fast, but don’t leave...
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    More training = weight gain?

    @binbina I was tracking with MFP as well, and had crept up about 200 calories a day. My added exercise obviously wasn't enough to make up for that.
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    Gains possible over 50?

    @janeevans89 I’m in my mid-60s and down 60 pounds from what I weighed at 55. Been in a regular gym routine for the past year and working on losing another 15-20 pounds for some challenging hiking next summer. My strength routine is about 40 minutes, three times a week, moving quickly between...
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    keeping strength training to 20 mins

    @matthias10000 Great progress! My strength training routine is somewhat similar, going quickly between exercises, but a little longer--about 30 minutes. I'm no expert, though. People who camp on machines or a single exercise in the gym are a pet peeve of mine. Wasn't familiar with that...
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    More training = weight gain?

    @kimmyk401 Thank you for the instructions on the calipers. I see that they aren't expensive at all.
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    Today's (Partial) Biometric Reading

    @klonopin48 They look like good numbers to me.
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    Knee Replacement before 50?

    @nitsud I think the men are more active in posting pictures; I'm not sure that reflects the overall sub.
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    Do I need to switch my routine up?

    @anthony1013 What exercise does do, especially after 50, is raise your daily calorie requirement to something a normal human can sustain over time. At 6’, 230 pounds, my zero-exercise metabolic requirement is about 1800 calories a day. Without adding exercise, I have to sustain a food intake...
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    Do I need to switch my routine up?

    @teacup64 The commute is brutal. I did a long driving one for 12 years, and found it physically difficult. My hands hurt all the time. Does the Peleton track your exertion, or do you have a watch-type tracker? I was cycling on local roads for a good while during the pandemic, and was just...
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    Getting back to the gym after 20 years..

    @mrlutrinae I'm working mostly on the pin-set machines like this one right now, but I can see where my weights could get higher than what they provide for leg exercises.
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    BMI thoughts

    @desertsun236 Agree, there aren't many people for whom a BMI above 30 isn't overweight. My current BMI is 32, and my target is between 27 and 29. With broad shoulders and a lot of leg muscle, I can't imagine getting below 25. I don't think I'd be comfortable.
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    Where I was at 58, where I am now at 62, it's been around 5 years (or close enough)

    @ricksterm Thanks! There's so many hiking opportunities around in most places. State parks are great places to start back.