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    Progress Report: Getting fit & healthy while having a full-time sedentary job

    @bodhisvaha Idk but here’s a paper that compared several different fitness trackers and came to the conclusion that they are all off by at least 30% =\ paper
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    Progress Report: Getting fit & healthy while having a full-time sedentary job

    @contemplatingfarmer This is a great write up and your progress definitely speaks for itself! My only comment is that I’ve heard the FitBit can be pretty inaccurate when it comes to tracking exercise calories. I even did a test with my husband’s Fitbit blaze and my Apple Watch (with the same...
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    DEXA says I'm obese - 36% body fat - thoughts?

    @marwils Dexa is one of the most accurate body composition measurements but it tends to read higher than other types because it literally takes all fat into account, including fat in your brain (brains are mostly fat), that you can’t estimate with calipers. The issue you have is that your lean...
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    6 month DEXA update! 31% to 25.7% BF

    @7an13l Great job! I hope I can be even half as successful 🤞🏻
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    6 month DEXA update! 31% to 25.7% BF

    @7an13l Wow, that’s fantastic progress! It’s amazing you were able to keep your lean mass almost identical. Did you up your protein at all during your mini cut?