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  1. T

    Was it dangerous to bail out of my squat with my hair like this? (See image)

    @ashvell Am I crazy or does it look like her neck snaps back before the bar actually catches her hair? I feel like so many of these clips are exaggerated. My hair is almost down to my butt so it usually doesn't get in the way, but I have felt a little pull on my shorter strands - never enough...
  2. T

    So many women want to lift weights without getting bulky, but how many of us here *do* want to lift weights and get bigger?

    @biblicalquality I've been trying to bulk up for about a year but got incredibly sick and lost ask my gains. Bulking up is the only way I can gain any weight. I love how I look with defined deltoids and biceps. A lot of my encouragement comes from lurking r/swoleacceptance. They're very...