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  1. P

    2020 CrossFit Games Finals Event 1: 2007 Reload

    @hbyej60 The most exciting bit of the event!
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    24.3 leaked. They upload the video and forgot to put it private

    @lex123 I feel you! I have a bad knee so I'm trying to avoid alot of movements like thrusters at the moment as I am trying to nurse it back! So I'm gonna see how I feel if it feels shit in the warm up ill maybe call it a day. That's on me though
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    24.3 leaked. They upload the video and forgot to put it private

    @lawforchrist Ah yeah that makes sense, I read the scorecard quickly and was like eh?? I missed the female/male symbols
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    24.3 leaked. They upload the video and forgot to put it private

    @lex123 They've had pulls ups before as scaled. I spent 10 mins trying to get one ha ha. It sucks defo my focus this year is to get them. Ill be doing jumping. I'm not sure why there are two choices though
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    24.3 leaked. They upload the video and forgot to put it private

    @lex123 I don't get it. The sxpresheet says jumping chest to bar, chin over bar. Is it either? I'm not sure if I'm reading it wrong
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    Here’s body fat percentage results for someone who has never worked out

    @jessy200 It's frustrating. I'm learning to be OK with it, I want to look like I go to the gym! It's hard not to compare to social media, but I guess at least its not the size zero obsession of the 90s!
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    Here’s body fat percentage results for someone who has never worked out

    @yourservant I am 33% Fat and have worked out 5-6 times a week for over ten years and have a healthy diet (80% of the time - usually have 1 meal out per week), my fat is all on my thighs, and i'd love to lose some but i have found in my 30s losing weight is impossible now! Such a slog! Anyway...
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    24.3 leaked. They upload the video and forgot to put it private

    @cnghello Fuck all the way off Edit to add : I can't even do a pull up so if that's the scaled them I'm fecked 😂😂😂