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    Can y'all give me your 15-20 minute stretching routines?

    @burgess7 yin yoga
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    Can y'all give me your 15-20 minute stretching routines?

    @kadmar I do mobility on 2 specific days of the week. Usually Sundays and Mondays A little secret— all of my kettlebell sessions is basically a mobility session if you know how to effectively push your range of motion.
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    Can y'all give me your 15-20 minute stretching routines?

    @kadmar I follow a 35 minute yin yoga practice on youtube. It is incredible.
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    Fat and Out of Shape Firefighter Update

    @melkrampas Idk if you remember me, but great job dude!
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    What’s a strong press?

    @saved_by_grace82 I second this