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    Regression in pushups

    @puppies_and_rainbows It could be a great many things. The first thing that comes to mind would be yes, exhaustion. Either from prior excercise in the same training session, or a lack of rest in general. It's important to include rest days in your week, and also to eat enough protein to sustain...
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    Which pathway is better: Weighted pull-ups or explosive pull-ups?

    @johnnyboy1998 For pure strength, both options will help with your ability to generate force. I'm not sure if either would translate more than the other in terms of "explosiveness", but for overall strength gains in a standard pullup range of motion, weighted pullups would get your further...
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    I'm lost. Upper/Lower or Push/Pull/Legs

    @njgarage001 Whether PPL or UL, just commit to one and don't try to combine in some convoluted way. Just stick to one and you should be fine. If you want to optimise it then that takes time and an awareness of your body and works for you, it won't come overnight or no matter how much research...
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    I'm lost. Upper/Lower or Push/Pull/Legs

    @njgarage001 There's 3 things that contribute to muscle growth; training, diet and rest. Most people who do not put on muscle are usually lacking in 1 or more of those area. From what you've said, it seems like your workout is fine and doesn't have any major issues. Is it still challenging you...
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    Tips for my planche journey

    @followeroftimes Try adding in some additional accessory excercises. Straight arm raises helped me develop alot of straight arm strength in the range of motion expected of a planche, alternatively planche leans; go as far forward as you can. The idea is to get your muscles used to working in...
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    6 months of calisthenics training, gotten stronger but body the exact same

    @iron2iron Have you weighed yourself? You're pretty tall so visible results will come a bit slower than someone who is shorter, it's more spread out. That being said, you might need to do more volume than what you're at now.